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BRHS Activity Calendar

Category: All Events
Date: Friday, May 1, 2020 - 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration at Marriott Hotel Extra Fare Events Friday Morning Georgetown Railroad – Meet in the hotel lobby at 9:00 AM (organized trip that includes a box lunch at Georgetown – via arranged Car Pools) --------- or --------- Coors Brewery – Open Tours Friday Open All Weekend Colorado Railroad Museum – Discounted ticket given for admission the whole weekend https://coloradorailroadmuseum.org Forney Museum of Transportation - Discounted ticket given for admission the whole weekend http://www.forneymuseum.org Other Event Caboose Hobby Shop CLINICS 4:00 PM - CHUCK CONWAY – Rio Grande Slides from his personal collection 5:00 PM - MEL PATRICK – Multi-Media Program: Chicago Before Amtrak 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM DINNER BREAK 7:00 PM - JIM FERENC – C&S Ry: Capturing 1958 in HO Scale 8:00 PM - DAVE LOTZ – Burlington Narrow Gauge Lines

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